That's right ladies I've been approached by the wonderful people @ CSN STORES
They are allowing me to pass on to you (drum roll, please) $65.00 gift card for there site!!!!
But first a few rules:
The shipping is not included on anything you purchase with said gift card.
Right now this giveaway is open only to U.S. and Canadian Residents (sorry).
You must be a follower of my blog.
Now that we've gotten the formalities outta the way on to the good stuff.
You would like more than 1 entry to win u say?
I say blog about this on your blog and then post a comment with a link 2 your post. That's good for another entry.
Follow me on face book for a 3rd chance, please put in friend request "give me another entry!"
**Special bonus entry** to my original followers when u enter please add original follower to your comment and ill throw an extra entry in just for you!
And Finally add me to your blog roll for another entry.
I will draw a winner on Sept. 30th around 10pm CST. I will notify the winner shortly after via email. So when entering please comment to this post w/ Ur name and a email address u can be reached at. I will give the winner till Oct 3rd to contact me if they do not respond by then a new winner will be drawn and notified on Oct 4th.
(Not to frown my international beauties I will be hosting a polish give away soon that will be for everyone. Well as soon as my 2nd full check clears which should be the first week of October)
CSN stores are providing the $65.00 gift card special thanks to Sean from the public relations office He was kind enough to answer any and all questions I had. I will always supply information of where things come from if it was given to me or I've purchased it just ask.